Thursday, March 18, 2010


I’ve been, you guessed it, researching (don’t I always) and finding out as much as I can about lymphedema. Knowledge is power. Feeling empowered takes back control to some degree and that is comforting, at least to me. Plus it ensures that one has the best chance of getting the right treatment.

So, what is lymphedema in a really brief nutshell? My limited understanding is that it’s caused by an obstruction of the lymphatic system, in my case due to removal of 2 lymph nodes as part of my breast cancer surgery. The lymphatic system moves fluid around the body that the circulatory system doesn’t. Unlike the circulatory system that has it’s own pump (the heart), the lymphatic system is more delicate and vulnerable. So lymphedema is not an excess of fluid but rather an obstacle blocking the flow, so to speak, and resulting in chronic swelling. Up to 20% of all women treated for breast cancer develop lymphedema and their risk for doing so is lifelong. There is no cure, only varying degrees of successful management of the swelling and symptoms.

At the moment my arm shows no “back up” of fluid (determined via a meter called an ImpediMed L-Dex™) which is good news, and any swelling there is so slight as to be questionable. However my trunk, specifically my reconstructed breast, my adjacent side and part of my back are all slightly swollen. Now, they have actually been swollen since the surgery and truth be told I’m not sure the area is any more swollen than it was before. Unfortunately the meter can’t be used for truncal lymphedema so there’s no measurement of fluid. But I am having new sensations there such as pain and fullness that had a sudden onset – that combined with the onset of significant pain & sensations in my arm, as well as the fact that my breast and side are still swollen long past post-op and it all equals the diagnosis of lymphedema.

The management of this consists of multi pronged approach.

First of all there is something called MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) a process whereby a specially trained physical therapist (PT) employs a massage like technique by gently sort of stretching or moving the skin in specific directions to help redirect the lymph fluid towards unaffected nodes in other areas of my body (like my opposite armpit, the groin, etc.) It’s a slow process and my sessions take over an hour. It is not unpleasant, but it’s also nothing like a regular massage – that would be too rough and could damage the lymph vessels which mostly sit sort of under the skin. I will be learning to do a version of self-MLD and will need to do it anywhere from 3X/week to daily…forever.

Besides MLD, compression devices are necessary to keep the swelling down and help encourage lymph flow by sort of passively pumping the skin as you move. These range from cumbersome and elaborate wrapping procedures using foam and bandages to simple elastic-like full length sleeves for the arm and gauntlets or gloves for the hand. For truncal lymphedema the range of compression devices can be anything from special compression bras, binders or vests to lighter compression garments akin to shapewear (think Spanx or Flexees)

Because I am at risk for fluid build-up and arm swelling due to my symptoms and the existing swelling in my trunk, it is recommended that I wear a compression sleeve and gauntlet for a few weeks and then reassess. From now on I will always have to wear it to exercise, fly on a plane or a few other selected high risk circumstances depending on the degree of swelling or lack thereof.

To be honest, after I was fitted for my sleeve/gauntlet I cried all the way home. It is uncomfortable and ugly and I hate it. It looks sort of like an ace bandage and it goes from the top of my arm all the way down to my knuckles. It is my fondest hope that I don’t have to wear it all the time forever. Some women do.

I am also going to be fitted for a compression bra and am presently experimenting with finding the right compression camisoles for hanging around in. The camisoles aren’t too bad so far but the bras don’t look promising. My PT will need to assess whether or not the camis are enough compression or if I need to wear the bra.

I am trying to keep an open (and calm) mind.

The third prong of the treatment is exercise, particularly specific movements that help sort of pump the lymphatic fluid in an alternative direction towards other nodal locations as well as increase muscle strength and range of motion. So far they have been easy enough and I don’t mind doing them, though they need to be done several times a day and it's time consuming.

At this point I have not seen any difference in the swelling, but my discomfort and pain has decreased somewhat so that’s something.

The PT sessions are only twice a week now because I just can’t go any more often what with chemo. It’s at the same hospital I had hyperbaric treatments at…a 40min drive each way. Add the 75 minute session and once again an aspect of cancer treatment has become a part time job.

I am very tired.

My body image is already a wreck between the badly scarred and misshaped reconstructed breast, not to mention the weight gain from chemo (steroids are part of the cocktail) and being totally bald…the thought that either I will possibly swell to a level of disfigurement or have to wear VERY uncomfortable and unattractive garments forever just plain breaks my heart. But since I was proactive and aware and caught this early there is still some chance that with therapy I will be able to achieve a level of control whereby I need only wear lighter compression camisoles and don the sleeve just for special activities or flare-ups of swelling…especially if I am super diligent in all my self-care and risk prevention.

There is a small degree of hope yet worth hanging on to here and trust me, I’m grabbing it with both hands and holding on for dear life.

Thanks for reading…till next time…


Steph H said...

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. I have no words of wisdom, but I'm always thinking of you and wishing you well. Yours, Steph

Brenda said...

I'm glad to hear there is no swelling in your arm. I'm sure I'll be keeping an eye on my arm forever!

How is the chemo going?

tippchic said...

You are in the middle of a rough time aren't you?

'You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” Babe Ruth

Wishing you well, Maureen

Anonymous said...

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La Belette Rouge said...

I am forever complaining to He-weasel that I just want to be listened to and he wants to "do" something. Your last two posts have given me great sympathy for my He-weasel. I want to do something for you. I want to get on a plane and come and make you laugh or clean your house or do whatever I can. I promise I won't( I am not a crazy blog stalker;-). Since I can't do anything I will just keep sending love, hope and virtual hugs.xoxo

Mervat said...

Dear Kayleigh, I am with La Belette. I too wish that I could do something physical that can express how concerned I am for you. I will also have to make do with sending you positive vibes, healing thoughts and lots of love and well wishes to you and your family.


Lesa said...

Hi Kayleigh,

I'm still here an i feel for you. I don't know what else to say,
God Bless you and yours,



Kayleigh said...

Thanks Steph, all the wonderful support you and others have given me is always welcome, I think of you often too and am wishing you healing as well :)

Brenda -- How are you? I know just what you mean about keeping an eye on out for the swelling, I'll be doing that forever too. The Taxotere is waaaaay better than the Adriamycin/Cytoxan, but that's not really saying much, lol, since the AC was so utterly awful. How goes it on the other side of chemo? Are you feeling more and more like your old self yet? Hope so :)

Maureen, thank you so much for that quote...sometimes I do feel like giving up but manage not to with the support of people like you :)

Dearest La Belette, you are too sweet and too funny! Listen, feel free to crazy blog stalk me any day, lol, I wish you and anyone else who reads this could all get on planes and arrive at my doorstep immediately if not sooner! I think we'd all have such a good time it would totally blow any depression I have right out of the water. But in lieu of that I welcome all your virtual hugs and hope -- it helps so very much, more than you could ever know.

Darling Mervat, you know I wish you could be on one of those aforementioned planes along with La Belette -- you vibes and well wishes are equally helpful, so many wonderful people like you have kept coming here and offering support to me in the midst of this long, LONG journey and it has kept my spirits lifted beyond what you can imagine.

Lesa -- that is so lovely and just the right thing to say, sometimes there isn't anything more to be said and just being here, coming here and reading and commenting is truly thoughtful.

Thank you all so very much!!!!!

Nishant said...

I'm glad to hear there is no swelling in your arm. I'm sure I'll be keeping an eye on my arm forever!
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