Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too much?

Sometimes things aren't black & white, even when they are.

Take this cardi, for instance. I'm back and forth about it...floating somewhere in the gray between whether or not I like it. I think the print may be just a bit too large.

They say a print, like a handbag, should match a woman's stature. As a woman who used to be much larger, I'm used to immediately gravitating towards the biggest pattern I can find. Not so, now. I've found the same is true of many of my purses...what once looked totally proportioned, now looks like a giant sack. Not that I'm diminutive, but I'm smaller than I think; body dysmorphia strikes again.

So, is the cardigan too much?

I bought it because I love to pair black & white prints with color, as I've done with skirts in the past. But this large a print by my face might be overwhelming.

Anyway, the cardi, btw, is from JC Penney. The cable knit sweater with the peplum detail is from NY&Co. The jeans are Ralph Lauren, the boots Merona from Target. The necklace is from a dollar store.

Have a great, colorful day!


Anonymous said...

No! Not too much at all! Pairing it with that nice, bright turquoise was just the right move.

La Belette Rouge said...

I am not one to do print tops/sweaters but it is fantastic on you. Really great!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great. I really like this outfit.

LindaLou said...

I can see why you would be going back and forth w/your decision, but I really like the crispness of this black and white. I agree with Sal, that the tourquoise top is a great combination. This is just a thought to play with - but you could check out the blog "Of a Certain Age" on ideas for mixing patterns. I don't know if that would be an option w/this sweater or not. Since you have so many positive comments from gals that you respect then I'd say make up your mind that it's a keeper and go for it!

Mervat said...

Hi Kayleigh!

I stumbled upon your blog and thought to comment on how great you look. The black and white with probably any other colour would look great. The blue you have chosen works very well and strikes a good balance!


Erica said...

I love the large print! I think it looks great on you. I am fairly petite though and wear large prints a lot...so I don't think I keep them proportionate to my body. Oh well! Put a Glamour black bar on me....

Sheila said...

It works with a bold colour with the turquoise to balance out the boldness of the pattern. I think this is about the biggest pattern you should go with, though.

You look great!