This is only the second time I've worn this cardigan...hmmm, I wonder just how many different punny titles I can come up with involving spots, dots or other references pertaining to the pattern? The possibilities boggle the mind :)
Today my spotted cardigan and I are on the run, out early this morning to do errands and now home for a pit stop before heading back out again.
See Kayleigh. See Kayleigh run. See Kayleigh run in her spotted cardi from Target, along with the jeans. The top is from Kohls, see Kayleigh wear it before in 2 other colors, green and lavender.
Now see Kayleigh accessorize her spotted cardi with a dollar store necklace and discount bracelet. See Kayleigh run in her secondhand Franco Sarto Maryjane pumps.
Funny Kayleigh. See funny Kayleigh say, bye-bye.
(I hope I'm not the only one out there old enough to remember the Dick and Jane books, because if so, this whole post makes absolutely no sense!)