Monday, January 19, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Last week was a very full one, and it seems this one is starting off at the same crazy pace -- no time to take a photo today.

But not to fear! This was taken yesterday. DH & I went to the mall and out for a casual lunch sans children (thanks mom!) It was nice to have a little grown-up time :)

The plum, long-sleeved tissue tee, printed blouse, plum tights & brown boots are all from Target. The necklace is from a dollar store and the denim pencil skirt is Old Navy.

Hope everyone had a great weekend...have a lovely Monday!


Sheila said...

I really like this outfit - that plum colour is lovely on you.

Anonymous said...

Love those layers. And I agree with Sheila, plum is a great tone for you.

Shallow Coffee said...

I must saythat you look terrific in purples, blues and greens. Mind you, you look great in other colors as well, but the "winter" colors really stand out to me.

La Belette Rouge said...

I love this outfit. It looks great with your blog colours. You are soooo coordinated with your blog.

Erica said...

Great pattern on the shirt. Plums are very flattering on you (though most colors are!). I don't usually wear tights with my jean skirt, I should try it out. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

LindaLou said...

Very nice outfit. I really like that necklace; it's perfect w/that neckline ... and what a deal! from the dollar store?! The long sleeve layer helps to take the more summery top right into this colder weather; I'll be trying that myself ... when our 70 degree winter gets cold (lol).

Trace said...

Very busy here too K! Great outfit, love the layers and colors. Hope you have a good week this week!

Cathryn said...

I really like how you let the plum peak out at the sleeves and knees. Your jean skirt reminds me that I need to search for a replacement jean skirt that got too small for my booty. ;-)