Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lil' Virtuoso

No, I haven't gone thru some sort of time machine -- this is my 7yo DD making her fashionable blog debut, per her request.
We snapped this last night when she got ready for her last violin class & recital at the local community center. We signed her up for a group session of "Introduction to Violin" that included 8 weekly lessons. We are soooo hugely proud of her and how well she did; the kid really has talent, and I swear I'm not just bragging 'cause I'm her mama! Of course, it was inevitable -- I used to be a singer and DH can pretty much play every musical instrument he gets his hands on :) In fact, we've decided to continue and have her take private lessons since she really shows a proclivity towards the instrument.

When I told her we were going to take a picture she asked if she could be on my blog. Of course! I thought that was soooo cute, lol. She really gets a big kick out of Daddy taking pictures of Mama on the back deck (tho it was too chilly for the violin to go outside for her photo). So, there she is, our girl -- you may all now admire the precious beauty that is my wonderfully talented DD! Oh, and please note the very stylish sparkley jeans -- her particular choice for the outfit :)


ohthatgirl said...

So cute and oh so stylish!!!! And the violin! I used to play as well (♥) then switched to saxophone (booo!)

Kayleigh said...

Thanks you two :D

OTG, do you still play the sax? I think playing any instrument is great...especially for kids. I used to play the guitar, can still play a few chords, enought to badly strum a couple songs, lol.

V -- thanks so much for adding me to your blog list, I'm really flattered!!!

Anonymous said...

Super cute!

I played violin when I was her age, too. Wish I still could!

Kayleigh said...

Thanks Mrs. M!

I'm hoping she keeps it up, she really seems to love it.

*Diane* said...

Oh so cute! i wish i played... my sister does ( @ my urging) and i kinda play the drums...but doesn't everyone?..

Kayleigh said...

Thanks Lady D! What a great sister you are for urging her to take lessons :) I think it's great to play an instrument. And you know, you're young, you could still learn one if you wanted. I have an aunt who learned to play piano in her 70's!

Hillary said...

Awwww she's a cutie!

Kayleigh said...

Thanks Hillary :D

Erica said...

Adorable! I think private lessons are great--I had them for the flute all through high school, and I loved them! I still appreciate my parents for doing that for me.

Kayleigh said...

Erica -- that's wonderful! Do you still play? I think the flute is a beautiful instrument :)

Erica said...

I haven't played in a while... :/ School keeps me pretty busy. But I kept my instrument, and I plan to take it up again one day!

Kayleigh said...

I can imagine school must be time consuming, but it's great that you kept the flute and want to play it again. There's something relaxing about playing music.

BTW, *finally* got over to your blog -- I LOVE IT!!! How cute are you??? I'm adding it to my list and will be checking it often :D

LenoreNeverM♡re said... is such an important part of a child's life!
Both of you are so stylish indeed!
Great week to you & family ;)

Kayleigh said...

Thanks Lenorenevermore! You have a great week too :)